Letter of Convenor
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The Fourth ESSHC
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The Fourth ESSHC
The European Social Science History Conference

will take place on 27 February - 2 March 2002,
in The Hague, The Netherlands,

Netherlands Congress Center in the Hague.

The deadline for sending in paper and session  proposals is 1 March 2001.
An electronic pre-registration form can be found on this site http://www2.iisg.nl/esshc/register.asp

The conference fee is NLG 300.  

Family and Demography Network chairs are :

                         Antoinette Fauve-Chamoux, EHESS/CRH
                         2 Rue Emile Faguet, 75014 Paris, France
                         Tel: +33.1.45396473, Fax: +33.1.45438927
                         E-mail: fauve@msh-paris.fr

                         Frans van Poppel, NIDI
                         PO Box 11650, 2502 AR Den Haag, The Netherlands
                         Tel: +31.70.3565241/200, Fax: +31.70.3647187
                         E-mail: poppel@nidi.nl 

To pre-register and propose a paper or session, go to: http://www2.iisg.nl/esshc/register.asp
(Do not forget to tick ``Family/Demography network``)

Those of you who already proposed a paper or a session, during last ESSHC2000 Family/Demography network meeting last April, are kindly requested to confirm their proposal with paper titles, addresses, affiliations etc. sending all information to the ESSHC above address.  All participants have to preregister to be on the program.

The European Social Science History Conference is organised by the International Institute of Social History (IISH), Amsterdam, an institute of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts & Sciences. The IISH was established in 1935 as an independent, neutral and scholarly institute to house collections on social history, mainly on the history of the labour
movement. In the period 1935-1940 attention was focused on saving material from all over Europe. In more recent decades, the institute became a safe haven for records from Latin America, the Middle East, China and South-East

Apart from these archives, the IISH houses a large library on Social and Economic history and a research department, dedicated to writing the international comparative history of Labour. Information on the IISH is available from its website at http://www.iisg.nl

At the IISH  Karin Hofmeester is responsible for the ESSHC.

                         Conference Secretariat ESSHC
                         c/o International Institute of Social History
                         Cruquiusweg 31
                         1019 AT Amsterdam
                         the Netherlands
                         tel: + 31 20 66 858 66
                         fax: + 31 20 66 541 81
                         E-mail: esshc@iisg.nl